What is Homer?
Normally, If VoIP engineer would like to analyse packets, what kind of tools do you use?
Using Wireshark or sngrep? or just read messages log?
Homer is very useful tool for VoIP engineer like you.
Homer is work on Web browser.
It’s open source software.
It able to showing lists of CDRs and displaying SIP flow for each call.
And you can see raw SIP packet for each call from browser.

Many open source VoIP softwares like OpenSIPS and Asterisk support Homer.
It will send SIP packets as hep format from their VoIP software to Homer and Homer collection it.
we can see it on web browser easily.
There are way for convert logs to hep format from proprietary product like Cisco, Avaya, Genesys if you need. Please check github.
Install Homer
There are 3 ways for install Homer.
1. using yum command it’s traditional way.
2. using installer scripts.
3. using Docker.
This article explain 1st one that using yum on Rocky Linux 8.
Add repository
If run this script, made repo file qxip_sipcapture.repo on /etc/yum.repos.d
Install each components
heplify-server requires package for LuaJIT.
Using epel repository for install luajit.
install PostgreSQL
Install PostgreSQL.
Create user, DB and setting
If run script that according manual for create Homer DBs, it will failed. because no set password for user postgres.
You need to change setup command.
Run scripts for create DBs.
There are 2 DBs, homer_config and homer_data.
change pass from “homer_password” to “postgres”.
Create Tables, Populate defaults, Upgrade.
start services.
an error on log of PosrgreSQL on /var/lib/pgsql/15/data/log.

You can access with http://<IP ADDRESS>:9080
admin / sipcapture

If setting done that send hep from SIP server to Homer you can see SIP flow and SIP message from GUI.